As you may have noticed, I have a habit to talk about things that have nothing to do with the actual topic. Or well, in this case I think the topic would cover all the things I've been doing but let's not go there (; Though I must say that I love my new home even though I need to get another bookshelf. I actually organized my paperbacks like this: I took a book, translated its title randomly into English and then put them in alphabetical order by that title. What I mean by randomly is that I did not use the original English title (unless the book was in English) but translated it word by word or in some other way that popped my mind. I don't know if anyone else thinks it's funny but well. Ha ha.
The Kite Runner is about deception, loyalty and cultural rules; about two little boys that grow up both as brothers but also as master and servant. The protagonist Amir lives with his respected and rich father and their servants, Ali and his son Hassan. Amir goes to school and reads stories aloud to Hassan, who cannot read and who Amir constantly teases about his ignorance. Hassan would do anything for his best friend - and so would Amir... or would he? There is a hierarchy that creates a difference between the boys, which makes it easier and harder for Amir to play his cards in a way he doesn't need to take responsibility no matter what his conscience says. In the end, however, the debts are to be paid in several different matters.
And well, what should I say? I loved the description of the culture, the huge differences compared to the culture of my own. The story was good and interesting, easy and quick to read - but the basis of the story was so easy to guess that it made me yawn. Also I do understand the vibe that comes when you write in a language (If I understood correctly, Hosseini writes in English?) and then add some words of your own to emphasize the culture and whatever. It is nice when Hosseini does that - in greetings and other phrases that are typical for the culture - but please, does he need to do it all the time, with any words?! My copy is again in Finnish, so the examples are translated by me:
"Good morning, kunis!" he shouted. The word kuni meant faggot and was one of his favorite insults.
"When do I get to sing alahu for my little navaz?"I mean please. If the words are not translated, the meaning is easy to understand from the context (in the latter example alahu is lullaby, navaz grandchild) so it doesn't make it more difficult to understand or anything - it's just irritating. I believe it's the same kind of thing as the dashes in my texts - nice a few times but already annoying in the last passage. (;
Nice read, it was, and I'm sure I will read the two others; A Thousand Splendid Suns and And the Mountains Echoed. Right now, though, I am more excited with the book I'm currently reading, Stephen King's 22/11/63. The Kite Runner gets a grade of 3,5/7.
My copy: Hosseini, Khaled 2003/2009: Leijapoika. Suom. Erkki Jukarainen. Keuruu: Otava.